Sunday 25 September 2011

Year Two Week Twenty-One

Our bestseller for the week was ALBERT, bless him. (We are all very fond of Albert, even though he's a grumpy old sod!) Average response time, we have to confess, was a bit limp at ten hours, but it's just not physically possible to be at the keyboard all the time - sometimes we have to eat and sleep as well!


Our website is likely to be offline for maintenance next weekend, and hopefully when it returns it will look a little smarter than it does now. Well, actually, a lot smarter. As soon as we're back we'll tell you all about our two new titles for 1 November publication, which are by MANIFOLD PRESS stalwarts Julia Bozza and Adam Fitzroy. However we're going to keep you in suspense for just a little while longer! Fingers crossed for our big update, please!

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