Saturday 11 May 2013


Reviewer Sirius over at Jessewave has been very quick off the mark with these first comments about Julie's THE APOTHECARY'S GARDEN

I really loved both guys in this book. Hilary was such a sweetheart and it was really a sweet and gentle read overall. Almost nothing happens in this book besides them meeting, restoring a garden together and slowly, so very slowly, moving towards each other. The conflict is about Hilary worrying over him being so much older than Tom. You really have to like slow moving books if you want to enjoy this one, where the two characters are figuring out their relationship and whether they would have one.

We can't argue with that; the slow and gentle development of the relationship is one of this book's great charms, in our opinion - it's the perfect book to read under a shady tree on a sunny day, and let's hope that we'll eventually get the kind of summer that will do it full justice!

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