As those of you who have been with us from the beginning will know, we're dedicated to improving the quality of both our books and our service. As Manifold Press grows and gains in stature, we're finding that some of the systems we needed when we started out are rapidly becoming redundant - we like to think of them as similar to the training wheels on a bike - and that as we mature we can learn to do without them. This is why we'll be closing down our online shop at the end of 2014 and selling in future through our distribution partners Amazon, AllRomance and Smashwords and their affiliates (and also CreateSpace for paperbacks).
We know some people found the online shop cumbersome, but it was important for us in the early days to have the additional revenue obtained by selling directly - i.e. without having to pay commission to anyone. It enabled us to get established, and we can't thank enough those people who understood that and still bought directly from us even after our books became available on Amazon; those sales put us in a strong enough financial position to expand and allowed us to start thinking bigger, although we hope we'll always be small enough to give individual care and consideration to every book we produce.
There are more changes ahead for Manifold Press, so watch this space (or one very much like it) for further announcements. We're off on a fascinating journey of discovery, and we're very much hoping to have your company along the way...
Best of Luck <3